Thursday, June 30, 2011


I am so so happy, but so busy! I logged on and my google reader has over 500 posts I need to read...

Well why am I so busy you may wonder, we got the keys to our house on Saturday :-) and started moving in immediately. So I've been busy moving in and unpacking and moving in! I don't have internet at my house so currently I'm at my mom's house so I have a few minutes but I do need to get back to my house soon!

I hope to post pictures of my house soon, however I don't have a working camera right now so they are all on my phone...and blogging from my phone is kinda a pain. Well I just thought I'd share the happy news with all of my friends in blogger land :-)

Also on a separate note....I START SCHOOL IN 19 DAYS....where has my summer gone?!? I have got to get my classroom set up! And get ready for the year! Well I doubt I'll be on much next week either because we're going on vacation...anyway love y'all have a great rest of your summer!

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Lookie what I got :-)

I entered a contest from Mrs. Lemons a while back for a t-shirt from Claire Lynn and guess what I found in the mail today! Uber excited!
Added this post from my phone I'll have to come back and add links later, thanks so much Amy! It's awesome!
Links have now been added...enjoy!

Thursday, June 23, 2011

"Moose" Binders

Well in my blog stalking tonight, I found an idea I have been hoping to implement over at Primary Perspective called "Moose" Binders. There is a website with a lot of acronyms, however my school has a very unique's a gecko :-)
So I'm trying to come up with an acronym that will work, I have a couple ideas but I'd love some feedback. Also if anyone does use a binder similar to the "Moose" style I'd love any tips you can offer!

Here are my two ideas so far, I don't really like either of them completely but I'm drawing a blank as to what I can do better.

Complete &


I'm hoping to create a binder similar to what Mrs. Perry did over on her blog, I hope she doesn't mind me sharing a couple of the thumbnails here...