Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Blog Stalking Linky Party

Here's to participating in my first linky party :-)

I am fairly new to blogging and have mainly been blogging about different giveaways and was excited to see a linky party I could participate in today :-)

Clutter-Free Classroom is hosting a linky party to share the blogs that we stalk we stalk regularly. The funny thing is one of the blogs I stalk most regularly is

Clutter-Free Classroom

I am trying very hard to get organized before the school year starts, so that I can have a successful start to the year in First Grade. I have several of her kits in my TPT wish list right now!

I love the following this blog for many reasons, she has helped me to learn quite a bit about blogging and has helped me improve my blog (still plenty of work to be done, but it's getting better) through her technology posts and she often has posts with files to share!

If you look at my blog roll, you can see I have a lot of blogs that I follow! I try very hard to read each one every time they post. The above two blogs are two of them that I keep finding myself going back to to find "how do I do that again" :-)

Thanks so much for hosting this linky party. And check out my blog roll for some other OH so FABULOUS blogs to follow! There are too many fabulous blogs that I stalk to talk and post about them all!


  1. I have the same addiction! Have you found a cure for it yet?

    visit my blog and consider following me
